
About Me

Welcome to my website!

My name is Henry and I'm a recent graduate from Carleton University with a Bachelor's in Computer Science Honors.

Current projects: Developing a solution to solve the issue of false community strikes on video sharing platforms

Projects on hold: Developing a cryptocurrency on the Solana chain ground up

Feel free to take a look around and reach out!

Fun fact: the image outlines above were created using canny edge detection (σ=4, low=0.04, high=0.125)

  • Languages

    Python, C, C++, Java, Makefile, Shell, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Technologies

    Linux/RHEL/CentOS, Git, OpenShift, Kubernetes, QNX RTOS
  • Concepts

    Automation, Private Cloud, QNX Neutrino, Testing, Tooling
  • May 2022 - Aug 2023

    logoSoftware Development Engineer / DevOps Engineer
  • Jul 2023 - Aug 2023

    logoSite Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Multi Cloud SaaS Platform
  • Jul 2022 - Sep 2022

    logoFull-Stack Engineer - Cloud Pak Configurator
  • Solving unique problems

    Developing useful solutions that tackle real world problems
  • Quirky projects

    Question: Can the utility and value of a cryptocurrency be artificially created in a "free market" by controlling its use cases?
  • Video games

    Quantic Dream GOAT Studio?

My Experience


Software Development Engineer / DevOps Engineer

  • Deployed and regression tested CD, LTSR, and Future release candidate builds using automated Jenkins CI/CD pipelines on AWS, Azure, and private cloud Fyre clusters
  • Deployed, upgraded, and manually intervened Kubernetes clusters deployed on OpenShift Container Platform to debug IBM Cloud Platform Common Services
  • Created multiple Jenkins pipelines to test release candidate builds by enhancing, upgrading, and testing our deployment Makefiles and Bash scripts
  • Maintained a managerial dashboard built in Django with over 10,000 GitHub issues and synchronized using crontab
  • Maintained and upgraded an automation results dashboard built in JavaScript and React
  • Integrated an automated AWS resource cleanup script leveraging a containerized Docker environment

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Multi Cloud SaaS Platform

  • Automated the deployment and provisioning of Prometheus to provide monitoring and alerting functionality on OpenShift 4.12
  • Defined and upgraded existing clusters using Helm and Helmfile
  • Defined and rendered .gotmpl template files for Prometheus, AlertManager, and Thanos
logo logo

Full-Stack Engineer - Cloud Pak Configurator - IBM User Experience Design Team

  • Led development of a Dynamic Plugins pilot project using OpenShift Container Platform 4.11
  • Created a mockup of the UI using design prototypes from Figma and InVision
  • Developed using TypeScript, Patternfly, and Podman
  • Deployed locally using OKD and online using Fyre clusters
  • Built and pushed to image registry using Docker
Download My Resume



QNX Car Simulator

A real-time car simulator written in C using QNX Neutrino utilizing QNX SDP 7.1


Nintendo Switch Autoclicker

An automated button clicker for the Nintendo Switch using a 9g Micro Servo and a Raspberry Pi


Carleton Library Autobooker

A headless automated script developed using Python, Selenium, and ChromeDriver to book Carleton University library study rooms


Carleton Library Autobooker Bot

A Discord bot designed specifically to run the Carleton Library Booking script


Anki Automation

A program to automatically create Anki flashcards from an image.

Leverages Google Document AI to perform OCR


Quests of the Round Table

A multiplayer card game coded in Java with the use of Java Networking and JavaFX



A 2D real-time game written in C++ using OpenGL, OpenAL, SOIL, ALUT, GLEW, GLFW, and the GLM libraries


Methods For Stratego AI

A coauthored paper on reinforcement learning, popular algorithms, and their implementations found in Stratego AI

Compliant with NeurIPS 2022 standards

See more

Contact Me

+1 (613) 608-7348